The Dramatech Toaster has been hidden in plain sight in every DramaTech show since the late 1980s. The idea for this came from an impromptu art installation called Toaster Dreams created by Eddie Maise in the old theater. It featured several pieces of furniture suspended from the grid, with a toaster spotlit in the middle.
This list is a humble attempt to record where the creative folk of DT have tried to sneak this icon into their shows.
Hidden in plain sight on the stage-right bookcase.
Carried through by Groucho Marx at the end of the show, during the "Chaos" scene.
Wrapped as a Christmas present
The toaster came on stage after the song "War." It was hidden in a shopping cart full of dismembered limbs.
Stood in for the robotic hunter-killer "dog" in a box on stage.
Incorporated into the set as part of the facade of a Roman Temple-looking building. Right up there at the top, that pointy part that some architecture major should be able to name.
Was the body of a telephone in a phone booth.
Inside an antique radio set.
On a shelf with other decor one would find in a rural BBQ joint.
On the carnival barker's rack of prizes in scene 1.
Wrapped as a package and carried carried on as a prop.
In the psychiatrist's desk.
Used as a prop - The main characters are walking though a dump and Weasel is scripted to pick up a toilet seat and say "Hey, look - a toilet seat!" It was modified to "Hey, look - a toaster!" at which point the portion of the audience that was "in the know" would burst into wild applause and cheers, completely confusing the remainder of the crowd.
On the band platform, right in front.
In the "disco hall" just off-stage. It was not visible, but rather existed as part of a lighting effect.
It was placed inside an old radio, it's plug used as the radio's.
It was in the shadowbox where the MacDuffs are killed.
It was used in an attempt to dispose of Lady Emelia's body. The script called for a chainsaw (a Lee/Larson signature), so it was replaced with the DramaTech signature.
Used as part of Pharaoh's throne.
It was carried on by movers during the "I'm Movin' In With Linda" number.
Hung from the grid as a lighting fixture.
In Cinderella's mother's tree.
Used as a prop and referenced by the demons torturing "the rich man" in hell during "The Rich Man and Lazarus" bit.
Deconstructed, the guts of the toaster appeared on the underside of the rolling platform. It was used by the actors to designate which side of the platform had the swiveling casters.
It was part of Tommy's pinball machine.
In a large purse, taken out while searching through it.
Hidden in the tree
Under the Major General's bench in Act 2.
Cord was used to tie up prisoner and toaster was dragged behind him when running/hopping away.
Carved into the columns with other artwork.
Behind the staircase, picked up by Lewis with a look of puzzlement during the song "Spread A Little Sunshine"
In the shopping cart during Blind Willie and the Talking Dog scene.
Used as a gavel during "Gee, Officer Krupke"
Located on the back platform during the banquet scene
In a picture during the scene Gump, held by all of the stage managers
Located back in Brindsley's studio mixed in with all the metal scraps
Located in a suitcase with the cord hanging out during the number Girl in 14G
Mixed in with the barker's prizes in scene 1. Same place as when we did it the first time.
in some rolls of paper in the news paper office
Located with the gifts brought in by the party guests
Klimchak played it as an instrument during curtain call
Used as a weapon to kill people of the UGC
Located on the table with party food, next to some poptarts
Located in one of the pictures on the walls
Mixed in with all the laboratory equipment on Jekyll's lab bench
In a box of junk from the Joneses basement
Used as a heating element in The Lion in Winter scene
In one of the posters mounted on the walls.
Carried in like a teddy bear by Malvolio in his night cap.
Mixed in with the toys in the boys room during the story telling scenes.
Several toasters were carried in as part of Teddy's possessions to go off with him to Happy Dale Sanitarium.
Flown in from the grid during Deech's introduction
Hanging from the grid along with the T
On Adam's shirt.
Sitting on a desk during a Monty Python sketch.
Toasters from Hell found in a trash pile.
Orange toaster used as a traffic cone on the construction set.
Carried across the Black Box in a vendor's basket.
Carried on and polished by the ASM during "Diva's Lament," the toaster was given a lap dance during "Burlesque."
A pile of toasters was included in the futuristic expo exhibits.
Stuffed with eviction notices, the toaster replaced the star or angel at the top of the makeshift Christmas Tree.
Located in the refrigerator/safe with the infamous jello ring.
Used as a foley prop to make the question lever noise of the Logic.
Part of the assortment of items contained within Wanda's purse.
Lugged around by Xanthias in the piles of luggage.
On Friday, featured as Ophelia in the excerpt from *Hamlet* On Saturday, featured during *Jeopardy!*
On the table with the bagels and coffee
Used by Micah to clobber and ensnare her beau Tamil in "I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)".
Katagiri carried it onstage along with other groceries at the beginning of "Superfrog Saves Tokyo"
When Finch comes in to work on Saturday, he places a toaster on his desk; when Biggley asks him what he is knitting, he tells him it is a "toaster cozy". One is also lying among the debris after the building is ransacked by treasure hunters.
In the photo booth
An actual 1930s toaster is located on Evelyn's desk.
Used to navigate the ship through space-time
During the number "Omigod You Guys" Bruiser, the dog, enters the scene on the toaster. It was referred to as ToasterDog.
The toaster is located on the back shelf in Rick's apartment. It's used as a radio.
The hosts for each night were given the toaster before they went on with no explaination.
The toaster was drawn on the poster of MiloÂevic.
One toaster painted into the wall of the castle. Two toasters on the bookshelf in Frankenstein's house.
The toaster was brought on stage and improvised with during Let's Try This!'s presenatation of the Best Properties award.
Toasters were put in all standalone shows.
Disney-Prov: On stage the whole stage time holding the curtain speech. Halloween Spooktacular: Brought on at the beginning of the second half by the director. Potter-prov: Brought on by Professor Flitwick during the opening ceremony. Dude Power III Dude Power with a Vengeance: sitting under the props table in the back of the stage. High Tech Improv: Brought on at the beginning by the director as the only prop for the show.
The toaster was seen in the shopping cart that was brought out by LTT! members during "Thrift Shop."
The Toaster was carried on by Rumpelstiltskin in The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon.
There was a crochet toaster on Esther's chair, and a toaster was used on a torture projection.
The toaster was painted on the side of Pirelli's cart and there was an old fashioned toaster on the bottom of Mrs. Lovett's table.
The toaster was brought on stage and improvised with during Let's Try This!'s presentation of the Best Properties award.
Toaster was put in all standalone shows
They Fight Crime! - Paul brought it out during the outro credits.
Nintenprov - Neeta brought it out during the outro credits. It was supposed to be in the long form.
Musical Improv -
Friday Showcase: Baby toaster was pulled out of Mad Hatter's hat
Saturday Showcase: Toaster was brought on as a prop in Words, Words, Words
Toasters were on the bar
On the table where the lighting fixtures were placed, Emilia's cross stitching, the wax seals on the letters, and written on the top of the letters.
It was placed on the hosts' table
A stripped toaster appeared on the monitor tree Toasters were etched onto the shot glasses used during the show. The newspaper that appeared in pictures (Toaster Times) features a toaster. A picture of a toaster that fell from the drop box. A silhouette of a toaster appeared on One's block. A photo of a toaster appeared on Two's block. A toaster appeared on an escort service business card used by Two. A toaster appeared on One's phone case.
The screws in the glasses on the Putnam Optometrists poster were toasters. There was a toaster on the basket of sports equipment. There was a toaster on the poster for the Putnam Chef Society.
On the label of the breakaway whiskey bottle
Friday Showcase: a toaster on the TV frame and one on the books
Saturday Showcase: a toaster was run across stage during the host act
Held by Katherine in the portrait, in Bianca's phone wallpaper
Behind the prison bars, in Cervantes's trunk, on the coins
In the pile of props for 3 Walls No Blinds
On the the shelf of the side table. One was used as a flower pot.
There was one toaster on a shelf, and a painting of another in a picture frame
There was a toaster on a crate, a golden wood toaster in the set dressing, and a schematic of a toaster in a hat design.
There was a toaster on the bar.
There were winged toasters on the pillars on the sides of the stage. Some toasters were hung from the ceiling. There was a sorting toaster.
There was a toaster printed on a piece of stationary. There were paper toasters among the paper houses thrown onto the stage. The fake phones had toasters on the back.
There was a picture of a toaster on the beer bottle. There was a toaster button on Marianne's dance bag.
Newspapers in DT3, Davis' Toasterology textbook, Encyclopedia Toastanica
There was a DMX-controlled toaster (thanks Wade) on the Man in Chair's side table.
There was also a 1920s toaster on the bookshelf and a Toastmaster ad on the back of a magazine.
Public Amenity
In the Christmas tree
Painted in doodles across the set and used in Mug Studies class as an artifact
Origami toasters on set, toaster on SR shelves
On shelves in the warehouse
In the storage cubby
Toaster on the table. Toaster schematic on the back wall.
In the gelatinous cube, carved into Kaliope’s staff, in the Cooper drawing on Lilly’s letter, and a toaster graphic on book on Vera’s desk