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DT Banquet - Awards for 2024
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Best Properties Design
Animals Out of Paper
Dhruv Kulkarni
Best Sound Design
Puffs, or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic
Sara Kapasi
Best Sound Design
Puffs, or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic
Elijah Rabinovich
Best Costume Design
Puffs, or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic
El Pimentel
Best Set Design
Ride the Cyclone
Anthony Heiges
Best Set Design
Ride the Cyclone
Teo Drescher
Best Set Design
Ride the Cyclone
Madison DeBruin
Best Lighting Design
Ride the Cyclone
Keon Sanavandi
Best Lighting Design
Ride the Cyclone
Blake Sweezy
Rookie of the Year
Haley 'Hakey' Merritt
Best Studio Show
Animals Out of Paper
Best Actor, Studio Show
Animals Out of Paper
Kian Kermani
Best Actress, Studio Show
Animals Out of Paper
Liza Young
Best T-Shirt Design
Ride the Cyclone
Harika Kosaraju
Best T-Shirt Design
Ride the Cyclone
Vic Paulson
Best Mainstage Show
Ride the Cyclone
Best Projections Design
Ride the Cyclone
Lucas Lee
Best Projections Design
Ride the Cyclone
Dhruv Kulkarni